期刊名称 | 出版机构 | ISSN号 | CN号 | DOI注册数目 |
Journal Experimental Economics and Management Science | 重庆房地产职业技术学院 | 2373-3705 | - | 8 |
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology | Huatuo Culture Media Co., Limited(华拓文化传媒有限公司) | 2709-2135 | - | 41 |
Journal of advanced optics & photonics | Tech Science Press | 2578-2274 | - | 23 |
Journal of Agriculture Research | Shuangqing Academic Publishing House Limited | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of American Science | marslandpress | 2375-7264 | - | 6793 |
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Innovation | American Computational Science Society | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making and Psychology | Shuangqing Academic Publishing House Limited | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research | ACT Publishing Group Liminted | 2313-7177 | - | 23 |
Journal of Biology Research and Review | Shuangqing Academic Publishing House Limited | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Biopharmaceutics Sciences | Academic Research Publishers | - | - | 228 |
Journal of Biorseources and Bioproducts | Journal of Biorseources and Bioproducts编辑部 | 2369-9698 | - | 8 |
Journal of Building Design and Environment | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment | OAE Publishing Inc. | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Cancer Sciences (Hong Kong) | Shuangqing Academic Publishing House Limited | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Cardiology and Therapy | ACT Publishing Group Liminted | 2309-6861 | - | 64 |
Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics | Clintransmed AB | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Commercial Law Review | 世界科学出版社 | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Communications and Information Nerworks | 《通信与信息网络学报》编辑部 | - | - | 46 |
Journal of Computational Dynamics | AIMS Press | 2158-2505 | - | 35 |
Journal of Computational Science & Engineering | American Computational Science Society | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Construction Engineering Innovations and Research | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Consumer and Marketing Research | Shuangqing Academic Publishing House Limited | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Cyber Security | Tech Science Press | - | - | 20 |
Journal of Data and Information Science | 中国科学院文献情报中心 | 1674-3393 | - | 35 |
Journal of Dermatological Research | ACT Publishing Group Liminted | 2413-8223 | - | 34 |
Journal of Development Geography | 科学足迹出版社有限公司(SCIENCE FOOTPRINT PRESS CO., LIMITED) | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Dynamics and Games | AIMS Press | 2164-6074 | - | 112 |
Journal of Eco-Management | SCISCAN PUBLISHING LIMITED | _ | _ | 0 |
Journal of Economic Analysis | 新加坡安瑟出版社 | _ | _ | 0 |